Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Native American Prayer

Oh, Great Spirit
Whose voice I hear in the winds,
And whose breath gives life to all the world,
hear me, I am small and weak,
I need your strength and wisdom.
Let me walk in beauty and make my eyes ever behold
the red and purple sunset.
Make my hands respect the things you have made
and my ears sharp to hear your voice.
Make me wise so that I may understand the things
you have taught my people.
Let me learn the lessons you have
hidden in every leaf and rock.

I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother,
but to fight my greatest enemy - myself.
Make me always ready to come to you
with clean hands and straight eyes.
So when life fades, as the fading sunset,
my Spirit may come to you without shame.

(translated by Lakota Sioux Chief Yellow Lark in 1887)
published in Native American Prayers - by the Episcopal Church

Friday, November 11, 2011

Daddy Dear

Daddy dear,
What did you fear?
Did someone tell you
You weren't good enough
Belittling and bullying to make you feel small
Is that why you thought you should pass it along
Reclaiming your power to make you feel tall

Daddy dear,
What did you fear?

Forever a prisoner of your own mistakes
Losing hopes and dreams
When others held your fate
Your life coming apart at the seams

Daddy dear,
What did you fear?

Did I get in the way
Of everything you hoped to be one day
Was it my light, my passion, my love for life
Did I challenge you to look in the mirror
Did my radiance cause you fright
Daddy dear,
What did you fear?

The legacy of your forefathers
Passed down through the ages
Being threatened by a new generation
Calling your authority into question

Daddy dear,
What did you fear?

Loss of control in a world that was changing
Turning to love
Hearts and souls rearranging
Boomers coming of age to work it out
Standing for justice
We would sing and shout

Daddy dear,
What did you fear?

Was it love, peace or equal rights
Freedom of speech, truth or justice
When we got tough 'cause we'd had enough
And we wouldn't give up the fight

Daddy dear,
What did you fear?

Did you not understand
God's purpose
God's plan
For a world filled with love, no more fear
God's dream was in our hands, daddy dear!
Don't you know there's only one way
Truth and Love are here to stay

Daddy dear,
Why do you still fear?

I pray that you will find your peace
Forever held in God's loving embrace
Don't worry 'bout me
I'm finding my way
Through the clutter of doubt
In a world gone astray
It's time to finally make that change
For a better tomorrow
For the whole human race

Daddy dear,
Have no more fear!

Your trials are coming to an end
I forgive you, daddy
And I'm moving on
For God has given me a true love friend
Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sunset of the Evening

A golden puddle settles on the sea
Where the sun descends, saying goodnight to me
Sweet dreams, My child...
I’ll see you again
At morning’s light

Liquid sunshine
Cool as the evening
Hot as the flame of Love’s embrace
Paints a masterpiece
Its canvas, the sky
Brilliant colors to please the eye

Your beauty and passion are ever alive!
Expressed in the magic of nature...
An evening’s sunset

It leaves behind a memory of bliss
Laughter and tears of a day well lived
A reminder of the Love
You’ve planted in my heart
Your gift to me forever more

The birds sing a soft lullaby
Their music fills the air
Then silence descends
Its stillness comforts me
Holds me in its arms
and reminds me You are there
It keeps me warm and softens my despair

Your beauty and light
Fill my dreams at night
I cherish this dreaming
My Sunset of the Evening

Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Rainbow Is My Love Message

I've left suddenly
I had no time to say goodbye
Short moments, but still shorter
if there is a light that pierces your heart

The rainbow is my love message
Maybe one day you could touch it
With the colors it would cancel
the most discouraging and distressing pain

I've become the sunset of evening, you know
and I speak as the leaves of April
and I live inside of every sincere voice
and with the birds I live a soft song
and my speech more beautiful and dense
expresses with the silence its sense

Some things I didn’t understand
that are clear as the falling stars
And I have to tell you that it is infinite pleasure
to carry these heavy suitcases

I really miss you so much my dear friend
and so many things I have to say
Listen only to the real music
and always try to understand

Listen always to the real music
and try to understand if you can

~ Excerpt of a song by Adriano Celentano ~

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Choosing Compassion

Compassion. The first time this word ever came into my consciousness was when I was married to an alcoholic. I was attending a 12 step program in order to learn more about the disease of alcoholism and what I could do to help improve my marriage which was being torn apart by this disease. I ended up learning more about myself than I had anticipated going in - why I made the choices I’d made throughout my life and how those choices contributed to the circumstances I found myself in at that point on my journey. Never did I think that I would learn to have compassion for the very people who had caused me the most pain in my life!

An abusive father, peers who rejected this shy little girl, boyfriends who couldn’t make a commitment, and husbands (two of them) who were either emotionally abusive or unavailable - all make up a short list of those who brought me nothing but heartache and made me feel worthless as a human being. What I didn’t realize is that I had choices. Choices I didn’t even know existed! And part of that was learning to understand that people who abused, rejected, couldn’t commit, or were emotionally unavailable all had pain of their own they were dealing with. Who knew? And my choice was to recognize their pain and feel compassion for them, or to continue allowing myself to be hurt by them. The compassion didn’t come easily at first. Believe me, I wanted them and everyone else to know how much they had hurt me, and in order to do that, I had to continue hurting. When we are deeply wounded, the last thing we want to do is feel sorry for those who wounded us. It seems wrong somehow, like we’re letting them off the hook. But once I allowed myself to be open to another way of thinking and being, I was surprised at how healing it was for me.

When thinking about my father, I realized that I really didn’t have a clue about what his life had been like for him. There had to be something that caused him to take out his irrational and extreme anger on an innocent and helpless child! Anyone who had been raised to feel loved and cherished would not do that! (The very thought of this still makes me weep for him!) This eye-opening realization allowed me, for the first time in my life, to feel true compassion for the man whom I believed was the cause of all my troubles. It’s true that his treatment of me was wrong - compassion does not excuse inappropriate behavior. It only understands that there is more to any person than what we see on the surface. And it allows the one who feels it toward another to be released from the bonds of victimhood. I no longer see the perpetrator as an all-powerful being who holds the key to my happiness, but as simply another human being on this journey called life… right alongside me! In this reality, we are equal. I don’t have to love them or even like them, but I can feel compassion toward them for whatever their pain is without feeling responsible for causing it or fixing it. And this frees me to be all that God intended for me without being weighed down by self-pity.

So, remember the next time you find yourself making a judgment of another human being based only on what you see on the surface, you don’t really know the whole story. You don’t know the pain or the guilt or the suffering that this person may have been through - or the negative influences that have affected who they have become.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

May we find it in our hearts to have compassion for those who have hurt us or others we care about, understanding that their actions are a reflection of their pain. When we open our hearts and minds to the idea that others’ hurtful behavior is really a cry for Love, we see it from an entirely different perspective. Compassion becomes possible when we can set our own egos aside and realize that every man and every woman was once an innocent child, and only longs to be loved and understood. We are all God’s children on this spiritual journey together, connected to one another in spirit and in love. Our Source is one and the same. In this way, we are no different, really. Whenever we feel contempt toward another of your children, dear God, may we be reminded that we can choose compassion. Amen.

Copyright © 2011 by Charlene Burgess

Monday, May 23, 2011

That Woman

Last night, as I left my office after dark, something happened... a moment in time when I saw a true-life image that touched me deeply. It was one of those moments that can only happen when a synchronicity of circumstances and events makes you stop in your tracks from the power of it. A Divine message which reminds you of the interconnectedness of all of humanity and all of life. A moment of empathy and true compassion when you can feel the heart and soul of another and which sparks questions about the Divine order of things.

It was a cool night with a dampness that lingered in the air from showers that had occurred randomly throughout the day - typical for a spring day in southern Oregon. As I approached my car which was parked across the street, I heard a noise behind me like the sound of someone stepping on a twig, and I quickly turned around to see what or who had made that noise. In the shadows under the branches of a large tree I saw a woman making her way down the sidewalk with her personal belongings in tow. I knew at once that she was homeless. She was bent over, limping under the weight of her load and she was moving very slowly. It was quiet all around us except for an occasional snap of a twig under her feet, and the scene was mystical... almost ethereal. The image of this woman as she slowly made her way down the street late at night, and the stark reality that she had nowhere to go, caught me off guard. I paused on that awareness for a moment before getting into my car and heading home.

I couldn't get this woman off my mind as I settled into my cozy little apartment, fixed myself some dinner and sat down at my computer for my nightly social networking and writing for my blog. It's not that I haven't witnessed plenty of homelessness in my community. It's all around me in plain sight nearly every day. The building where I work hosts a food bank and the property often attracts homeless people looking for a place to sleep, especially during bad weather. There was just something about this woman and what she represented that touched me at my core. It was an awakening of sorts - I saw in her something I had not noticed before which, in turn, made me see something in ME that needed to be awakened!

The next morning, after a good night's sleep, I awoke with the still-fresh memory of that woman on my mind, as well as a sense that something in me had changed. As the day wore on, words to a poem were floating in and out of my thoughts, repeating themselves often as this experience settled into my consciousness and would not let me be! So, that evening, using the words which had been given to me, I wrote the following poem as an expression of my awakening. I pray that I will always remember this feeling - this understanding of another's reality that used to be so foreign to me. May the compassion I feel today remain as I navigate through this life, and if I falter and forget, may I be reminded once again that we are all on this journey together as God's beloved children.

That woman…
Walking down the street alone after dark
Tattered clothes
Layered for warmth and convenience to carry
Her other belongings piled on her back
Or hanging from her arms dragging behind
She can barely walk under the weight of her load

There’s nobody else around for blocks, except me
On my way home to my comfortable space
I feel guilty somehow
Why me?
Why am I “worthy” of this luxury and not her?
How do You choose, God?
And if not You, then who decides?
What is our fate, our life’s journey, our destination?
Is it just chance, luck of the draw, or simply circumstance?

Oh, Great One
Conductor of souls
Composer of this symphony of life
You Who have choreographed this dance of Creation
What makes one life more blessed than the next?
Why am I so fortunate when others must suffer so much more?
I have a home
I eat every day
I sleep on a warm soft bed in a cozy little apartment
Modest by most standards but blessed nonetheless
I have a job
I pay my bills
And I don’t have to beg for my next meal

That woman…
Walking down the street alone after dark
She begs every day for a morsel of food…
to stay alive!
For what?
To sleep in some alley on a cold rainy night
And wake up the next morning to beg again…
just to survive!
What kind of life is that, and what keeps her going?
What unimaginable strength she must have inside
To carry on each day and into the night
Does despair ever win?
Does hope ever die?
Is hope even within her scope of thinking?

I feel so helpless
What can I do?
I spent most of my life detached somehow
I didn’t even notice
That woman…
Walking down the street alone after dark
She was there
But I was not
I turned away and pretended she didn’t exist
Now that I see, what is my part?
How do I make a difference
To that woman…
Walking down the street alone after dark?

I lift my head to look at her
I nod, I smile, I say hello
I acknowledge her existence
At least it’s a start

That is my part
To pay attention
Don’t turn away and pretend she doesn’t exist
Understanding her pain, her struggle to survive
May give me the courage to take the next step
More than a look, a nod, or a smile
Will stir her heart and lighten her sorrow

Maybe next time I’ll be able to say
What is your name?
May I help you somehow to carry your load?
Come in out of the rain and allow me to take your coat
Dear woman…
Walking down the street alone after dark

Seeing God in her, I gain respect
This child of God has met many challenges
that I couldn’t even imagine
Who am I to judge and look the other way?
Compassion moves me to share my light
And do what I can to make her life just a little bit brighter
To carry her through the night
and give her strength to face the next day

To me
With my comfortable life
it doesn’t seem like much
But to her
It may be the very thing
that makes her feel her life is worth living
Not only that…
When I do my part
It makes Love real
For that woman…
Walking down the street alone after dark
And that’s all that really matters

Copyright © 2011 by Charlene Burgess

Compassion lives in the night and day
Compassion is Love's best way
Compassion brings together great and small
Compassion is the light which unites us all.

Compassion is the highest expression of human love, and a keynote of our spiritual evolution. As Compassion flows from our hearts, Balance is gained, and Harmony among opposites is achieved. Compassion, Balance and Harmony create Freedom and Liberation, and from this place and space, Compassion unites us all.
~ Author Unknown

Prayer of Compassion from Mother Teresa
Lord, open our eyes
that we may see You in our brothers and sisters.
Lord, open our ears
that we may hear the cries of the hungry,
the cold, the frightened, the oppressed.
Lord, open our hearts
that we may Love each other as You Love us.
Renew in us Your spirit.
Lord, free us and make us one.

Artist Heidi Hansen, formerly homeless, painted this artistic representation of hope after homelessness. The original painting bears her dedication “When we reach our darkest moments, we can choose to act out our despair, or do something extraordinary.” This piece was one of 28 of her paintings which she donated to be sold at an art auction to benefit a homeless shelter and to raise awareness of homelessness in Vancouver, Washington. Hansen is a survivor of domestic violence and mental illness who received services from Open House Ministries and Share, Inc.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Endless Grip of Longing

Deep longing

Never goes away
It remains in the heart
Perhaps held at bay
Only to surface
On another dark day
The journey to wholeness
May seem endless
When you’re feeling hopeless
Lost and forgotten
Your dreams have escaped you
What now is your purpose?

Deep longing

Be gentle with yourself
When in its grip
Be kind
Take your time
And try to understand
This pain will guide you
To a new place and time
Where a light is hiding
Waiting to be found
It was placed in you at your birth
It is the expression
Of your beauty
Your gift
Your true worth

Deep longing

Grief and sorrow over what is lost
Must be honored first
Whatever the cost
The tide of emotions
Inevitable pain
Creates a void
Leaves a space
For something else
To take its place
Trust that the answers will come
Filling that space
That hole in your soul
Your Godself awaits
Joy and passion
Will find expression
Igniting the light
That’s been hiding within

Deep longing

Always remember
The emptiness inside
Make a vow right now
To never forget
Not to dwell
Or stay in the darkness
But to find compassion
And share your light
When others are held
In its endless grip

Deep longing

Comes full circle
Its purpose revealed
When Love is shared
Given away
This Gift of self
Dims the pain
Glowing heartspace
Returns to you
Sustained by Love’s everlasting embrace
Its promise yields

Deep longing...

Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess

"One thing I've learned, as a good friend once told me, 'God doesn't waste a hurt.' I don't believe God causes hurtful things to happen to us; in fact, I believe He's right there with us in our darkest hour crying as deeply as we are over our pain and suffering. I do believe God provides opportunities for us to find and receive His Love in the midst of our deepest sorrow. And He also brings us to healing solutions and discovering ways we can use our experience to help others." ~ C. Burgess

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Star Light, Star Bright

Star light, star bright
Twinkling in the moonlight
My soul rejoices at the sight
Of your brilliance on this glorious night!

Love is reflected in your shimmering glow
Millions cheer as you put on your show
Heavenly wonder from the very start
The beginning of time, the first beat of your heart

I can only imagine the secrets that lie
In the vastness of universes beyond the sky
Mysteries unfolding in time and in space
Singing a song only God can trace

Star light, star bright
Twinkling in the moonlight
My soul rejoices at the sight
Of your brilliance on this glorious night!

Your beauty is truly a sight to behold
The dance you perform for the angels unfolds
Giving life to the heavens, keeping time to the beat
The wind holds the rhythm, creates passion and heat

Your greatness is evident, your purpose so clear
How can I measure up, I’m not even near
My very existence on this planet called Earth
Is nothing more than a grain of sand, a speck of dirt

Star light, star bright
Twinkling in the moonlight

Your reason for being seems much grander than mine
But the truth is we’re both in line
For a love so great, God has gifted us the feeling
Each holding a spark in our hearts worth revealing

The love held within must be shared or, you see
The light will go out, we can’t let that be
Sparkle and shimmer ‘til the end of all time
Pass it on, make a difference, save a life, let it shine!

Star light, star bright
Twinkling in the moonlight
My soul rejoices at the sight
Of your brilliance on this glorious night!

Your warmth will stay on, reside in my heart
As long as you dare to keep twinkling in the dark
Light my world, star bright, inspire me within
To be all that I can be, share my gift, all that’s given!

Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Love Is the Answer

When all the world
Seems filled with gloom
It’s soul consumed
With tragedy and disaster
Love is the answer

When hate fills the space
Where love was once commonplace
When words sting
Instead of sing
Love is the answer

When others don’t understand
Why you’ve taken My hand
Your new light reveals
Their darkness concealed
Love is the answer

When your patience is tested
You feel not at your best
When life doesn't seem fair
Just breathe and say a prayer
And remember...
Love is the answer

When hard times descend
Upon foe or friend
When eyes that once sparkled and shined
Become blind
Love is the answer

When land and sea
Send out a plea
Mother Earth cries out
Destruction all about
Love is the answer

When the children are forlorn
Their little souls tattered and torn
Abused, neglected
Hopeless and dejected
Love is the answer

For only Love can turn darkness to light
Blindness to sight
Giving hope to the hopeless
A friend to the friendless
New vision and a dream
Can be all that they seem
When we remember
That Love is the answer

Copyright © 2011 by Charlene Burgess

This poem appeared in the May, 2011 issue
of Dot to Dot online magazine
published by
Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait
which is available at the following link:


Friday, April 22, 2011

Creation's Plea

Spring is here
Showing its color
Peeking out from under
Winter’s blanket, soft and warm
The sun brings forth new life in every form

Snow is melting, setting free
Lifeblood of the earth
Waters flow to the sea
The circle of life continues its journey

The wind blows gently
God’s breath, Holy Spirit
Gives life so freely
Whispers of Love, you can hear it

All things of the earth
Living, breathing, sacred worth
Their song must be heard
It’s our choice to preserve
This gift from the heavens, so lovely a jewel
God granted this planet, our home for awhile

Treasures upon it for our enjoyment
Survival, recreation, even employment
It sustains our lives, gives food to nourish
Sweet music to listen, and beauty to flourish

We must cherish the value of this great gift
Entrusted to our care
Our home together with all things living
It asks that we learn to share

Survival of the fittest was part of the plan
But killing with malice and raping the land
Was not the intent
We’ve lost respect
Man’s power abused
God is not amused

Creation cries out, her music speaks
Her tone, her rhythm, her very heartbeat
Listen, you can hear the plea
Of nature’s call to you and me

The undertones of pain and suffering
Heard across the planet
Creation groans, asks for an offering
Of peace and good will, our commitment to save it!

Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Through the Long Dark Nights

A few days before "The Great East Japan Earthquake" occurred, I had plans for my next blog post and it was in the process of coming together. I had gathered bits and pieces of things which I had already written on the subject, including a poem, and all I had to do was wrap my brain around how I was going to present it and start typing. Simple enough, right?

Then on March 11, news of the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami came to my attention. As more and more information became known and images of the destruction were being made public, I found myself to be suddenly mute. I was struggling to find words. I couldn't even put together a simple sentence. I tried. I thought maybe if I could just write one word, the rest would come, but... nothing!

I couldn't stop thinking about the children and how absolutely heartsick God must be to see His beloved children dealing with such horrible devastation. This was weighing so heavily on my heart, that everything else seemed empty and pointless compared to the thought of these little ones living the darkest days of their lives.

I had a very strong feeling that God must surely have sent some angels to do whatever they could to save some and comfort others. (Yes, I do believe in angels.) But in my little corner of the world, life carried on as usual all around me, and I felt somewhat detached from it all as if I was circling overhead, watching what was going on below, not quite sure where to land or where my presence would be the most help or to whom. A sense of complete and utter helplessness pervaded my spirit when I realized that all I could really do was pray. Don't get me wrong, I believe very much in the power of prayer, but sometimes it just doesn't feel like enough, and this was definitely one of those times! So I donated what little I could financially to the relief efforts, and I just kept praying... for the children and their families... for the rescue workers... for the angels.

A week later, I knew I wasn't ready to write what I had originally intended to write, but I needed to write or do something - anything - to recognize what was going on over there and in my heart. I couldn't sit here in my comfortable home with my comfortable life and act as if it wasn't happening! I could feel their pain, their fear, their sorrow and their confusion. I finally broke down and shared with a friend how I was feeling, and then the words started to come.

For the children of Japan... and for the angels...

Oh children, my children
Have no fear
I hear your cries
I feel your pain
And I am here

Oh children, my children
My heart weeps with you
Through your deepest despair
I will be there
Take my hand
I will lead you to safety
Don’t give up the fight
I will hold you and comfort you
Through the long dark nights

* * * * *

How do you tell a child
"Do not fear"
When their world is shattered
into a million pieces
When mud floods their playground
And splinters are all that remain
of their home, their space
Where loved ones once dwelt
In their warm and safe place

How do you tell a child
"Don’t despair"
When they don’t even know
if their mommy or daddy
can be found anywhere
If their brother or sister
are buried in the mud
When time stands still
and they wonder,
Is this God’s will?

How do you tell a child
"It’s going to be alright"
When their world has fallen down
all around them
When destruction and mayhem
are all they can see for miles and miles
Day after day
And night after night

How do you tell a child
"Go to sleep now
Try not to worry
God Loves you, you know"
When all they can think of is,
How did this happen?
What will become of my life?
Who will take care of me
and tuck me into bed at night?

How do you say
"Hang on little one
The sun will shine again
I promise you will see
another bright day"
When the days are unbearable
too painful to stay
And the long dark nights
only remind them
that nothing will ever be the same

* * * * *

Angel of the night
They'll know you are there
when you take their hands
and lead them to safety
When you caress their little heads
ever so gently
to show them you care
Your healing touch
will get them through
their darkest despair

Someday they’ll look back
and remember
The One who touched them
with Love and tenderness
Who gave them strength to get through
Who gave them hope anew
Brilliant warm light
Who gave comfort and courage
through the long dark nights

They’ll remember…
And be blessed

Copyright © 2011 by Charlene Burgess

Friday, April 8, 2011

Legacy of Love: A Tribute to Mother

God called you home
And we’re left behind
To continue our lives
Our paths to find
Your guidance, your hugs,
Your kisses and smiles
Saw us through life’s journey
And its many trials

It’s hard to imagine a time without
Your song, your laughter, your fussing about
The way you loved and cherished each life
You were given to care for, to ease our strife
Sacrifices made along the way
To ensure our happiness was your charge to obey
Your only true master, a loving God
Who lived in you, his message you taught

In the midst of life’s challenges, when things went wrong
Your light shone bright, your faith was strong
God’s grace unshakable
Your spirit unbreakable
No matter the pain, no matter the suffering
You stayed the course, gave your heart as an offering
To show us the way to live and be
Kindness, tolerance, humility

Your belief in LOVE whatever the cost
Is your gift to us, to soften our loss

Children and family the whole of your existence
Gave you the strength to go the distance
You shared God’s Love without measure
Your devotion was our treasure
Now if we want to feel your embrace
All we need do is picture your face
With outstretched arms you send a hug
Touching our souls from Heaven above

You made a difference, your spirit lives on
In our hearts forever, even though you’re gone
We’ll carry your legacy of Love to others
Passing the torch in your name, dear Mother!

Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tribute to Elizabeth Taylor and a Beautiful Friendship

Mike's friend Elizabeth...that beautiful lady who was like a warm cuddly blanket to him. I believe they were true soulmates and no doubt, eternal friends. Since June 25, 2009, I have often thought about the day of her passing and what a joyous celebration it would be for them to be reunited in spirit! She was by far the best friend Michael ever had and she was his most loyal advocate. She knew him better than anybody and never hesitated to speak up on his behalf. God knew he needed a friend like her. She was so devastated by his death, I am happy for both of them that they are at last together again. Two beautiful free spirits! I am only sad for us that we will no longer have her here to speak her mind. She was a bold, beautiful, no-nonsense kind of woman. I loved that about her! Yes, she will be missed...

I just need to say
While I’m standing here in front of you
Thank you for the joy
And the tears

I am a part of you
And you a part of me
You can see right through
To everything in me there is to see

You know me inside and out
You’ve heard me cry
You’ve heard me shout
And you’ve seen me smile
At what you are about

I just wanna thank you
For being my friend
For staying with me
Through thick and through thin

Such loyalty and trust
Can never be replaced
So, forgive me if I make a fuss
My friend…
But you’ve touched me with your grace

Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess

In loving memory of Elizabeth Rosemond Taylor
"Dame Elizabeth"
February 27, 1932 - March 23, 2011

A Hollywood Legend and a true Lover of Life
but most of all...
A trusted and devoted friend

“My heart…my mind… are broken. I loved Michael with all my soul and I can’t imagine life without him. We had so much in common and we had such loving fun together... My life feels so empty. I don’t think anyone knew how much we loved each other... The purest most giving love I’ve ever known. Oh God! I’m going to miss him... I can’t yet imagine life with out him. But I guess with God’s help… I’ll learn."
~ Elizabeth Taylor upon Michael's passing

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just Do It!

Up high, so high
I can’t even see the sky
‘Cause I’m in it!
There is no limit to what I can do
If I believe…
Just do it!

Impossible, you say?
I don’t think so
There is always a way
Turned on by the power of Love
I can do anything
Once I choose to move
Into the groove

Thanks to you, dear one
Your Love lights up the sky
Even on a cloudy day
I don’t need to ask why

Birds in flight
Show me how it’s done
They just take off
Without a thought!
It’s natural to them, you see
God gave them wings
To fly above me

To me he gave a spirit to fly
Above the clouds
So high in the sky
So I could see the world below
Its beauty and pain
So I would know

My heart and soul say
Step aside, make some room
For Love to enter the atmosphere
No more doom and gloom!

Up high, so high
I can’t even see the sky
‘Cause I’m in it!
There is no limit to what I can do
If I believe…
Just do it!

Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess

Thursday, March 10, 2011

If I Could Fly

Photo by C. Burgess at Brookings Harbor, Oregon
December, 2009

If I could fly
Like a seagull flies
Dipping and swooping
Playing with the wind

On a wave of air
With total abandon
Never a care

Perched atop a rock at sea
I would plan my strategy

Which way to go
To get the best lift
Make the wind carry me to the sky
Then swoop to the ground
Like falling off a cliff

Gliding with precision
So close to the ground
Like an airplane
Coming in for a landing

A roller coaster ride
On a windy day
It’s by far the best time to play

Going with the flow
I’d swing and I'd sway
Let the wind have its way
Like a kite with no strings

This must be
What it feels like
To be totally and utterly free!

Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess

Monday, February 14, 2011

Back to My Heart

I don’t want to leave this place
At the edge of the sea
I feel that You are here
In the wind and the waves
In the cry of a seagull
In the moon that hovers in the sky
Watching over me as I cry

Touching me
Bringing me back to my heart once again
The place where I always want to be
I never want to leave that place in my heart
Please….keep touching me

Every time You touch me
Barriers disappear as if by magic
All the impossible becomes possible
Because of You
Now I know what I can do

Words will sing and dance on the page
Expressing from my heart
This Love
Your light
Awareness of all the beauty around
The things we must keep
Ever close, ever safe

My heart sings the song
And I understand
What it is I need to do
Because of You

Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"The heart can think of no devotion
Greater than being shore to the ocean..."
~ from Robert Frost's poem, Devotion

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Walk On the Beach

Driftwood and tree trunks
Scattered about
Delivered to shore
Like a gift, an offering
For us to explore
Makes me wonder
Where do they come from
And how do they get to the sea

Waves crash upon the beach
With steady rhythm
Heartbeat of the sea
Speaks to me of life beyond
Another world unknown to me
Explorers have tried
To penetrate its soul
Solve the mysteries
Of stories untold

Do you think there are angels in the sea
Watching over God’s creatures
Guiding the way
Loving and caring for those that stray
I’d like to think they are not alone
That some sweet angels
Are there to protect
Keep them from harm
When man disrespects

The wind reminds me
Of Who’s in charge
Even the waves
Respond to the power
Bowing their caps
Curling and leaning
With utmost respect
To Creation’s King

The sun glitters and sparkles
On the sea’s great belly
Casting its light
Like a billion stars
In the sky of another world below
I wonder, do they know
The creatures of the sea
That there is another sky
With another billion stars
That reaches beyond infinity

Reminds me of Heaven
And all the places of mystery

God calls me here
To the edge of another world
To remind me of His power
His Love and majesty
No other place
Has ever shown me
Like the sea
And all its mystery

Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Call

We don’t always know what form it will take
Whisper of creation sends an invitation,
Makes the call
God’s message delivered to seal our fate
Asks us to serve, to give it our all

Can’t ignore the call from The Man
It’s the real deal, part of the plan
Of what we are to be and do
An amazing gift for me and you

The wind holds the clue
Holy Spirit, life anew
Speaks to your soul from heaven above
Wrapped in a blanket of Love

Listen carefully and you will know
The greatest show in all of creation
Is yours to unfold
Your light to behold!

God will take your hand, never leave you alone
As you take your stand and set the tone
For Love and peace and harmony
The world is your stage for eternity

You may wonder, how can one person be
Everything to all humanity?

Joining hands with others
One cause, one message, its strength will grow
It’s all for LOVE, don’t you know?

Plain and simple, it shouldn’t be hard
Love is the answer to all that we are
This world needs it right from the start
Good for the soul, feeds the heart

Creation sings to one and all
The message is LOVE
This is the call!

Copyright © 2010 by Charlene Burgess

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Brand New World

(Adaptation of the song “Home” from “The Wiz”)

When I think of home
I think of a place where there’s love overflowin’
I wish we were back there with the things we been knowin’
Wind that makes the tall trees bend into leaning
Suddenly the snowflakes that fall have a meaning
Sprinkling the scene
Makes it all clean

Maybe there’s a chance for us to go back
Now that we have some direction
It would sure be nice to be there with you
Where there’s love and affection
And just maybe we can convince time to slow up
Givin’ us some time to grow up
Time be our friend
Let us start again

Suddenly my world’s gone and changed its face
But I still know where I’m goin’
I have had my mind spun around in space
And yet I’ve watched it growin’
And if you’re listenin’ God
Please don’t make it hard to know
If I should believe the things that I see
Tell me, should I run away,
Should I try and stay,
Or would it be better just to let things be?

Livin’ here in this brand new world
Might be a fantasy
But it taught me to love
So it’s real, real to me

And I’ve learned that I must look inside my own heart
To find a world full of love
Like yours and mine…
A love that will endure
The test of time!
